Sunday, March 24, 2013

100 DAYS to 100% -- Day 22

I can't believe we are on Day 22 already! As week look back over this campaign so far, we see God's faithfulness. We asked for his blessing, and we have received it. Our support is increasing, and so are our contacts. And even though we have wished it to come much quicker, we can't deny that it is defintely coming. It is slow but it is becming steady now.

We are hanging in here and we trusting God. He has called us to go to North Africa to bring His Word to a specific people that he has choosen. He has told us to go to these people, and it will be so exciting on the day that we meet them. We will move into their village and become their neighbors, and we'll have such a message to tell them,

 "God has told us to come to you, to live life with you, and to tell you all about Him!" 

And we will--we will tell them all about the God of the universe, who created them, and who loves them.

We are at 40.5% of our monthly support now that we need to go. We are still contacting people to meet with them and to invite them to join us in this exciting ministry.

Please pray!

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