Sunday, March 3, 2013

100 Days to 100% --Day 1

Today we have begun a campaign to raise the rest of our support to move to North Africa. It is entitled "100 Days to 100%".

We are very excited about this and believe that God will bless it. God has called us to this ministry, he will provide the way. We were encouraged the other day by a humble man who is a wealth of knowledge in the Lord. He reminded us that if this is God's will and he has called us to this, then he will provide. Also, that he's brought us this far, and he is faithful, so why would he stop now?...He won't.

Today we had an increase of $50/month. Praise God.

99 days to go. 38% left.

It's just a matter of time.

If you are interested in this ministry of helping reach a people group in North Africa who don't have the Bible in their language, then we invite you to join us. Just contact us and we would love to talk to you :)

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