Wednesday, May 21, 2014

10 Reasons why we can't wait for Africa!

1) They need Jesus! --People die every day without the chance to hear about Jesus--that's not fair. So we want to do everything we can to change this and give them the hope that they deserve.

2) African neighbors! --It will be awesome to live next to these people, to greet them each day, and to begin building relationships with them.

3) Language learning! --We are going to learn to speak their language. It will be full of both laughs and frustrations, but it will be so rewarding to be able to sit down and share deep conversations with our friends.

4) North African food! --It's always interesting to broaden our palate..though Ryan and Yael are much more adventurous than Kim in this area. Haha! This will definitely be interesting!

5) African worship services! -- One of the most awesome things in the world is standing in the midst of a group of African believers as they sing and clap 3+ different beats at the same time and to be a part of it all.

6) Yael playing with the kids! --We can't wait to see Yael all dusty running around, laughing, and playing with her African friends. It will be awesome, because kids don't see taboos, wealth, or skin color.

7) Giving God's Word! --Kim can't wait to begin translating the Bible for these people. We definitely can't wait to share it with them, to see the looks on their faces when they hear and understand Jesus' words for the first time!

8) Prayer with joy and tears! --We can't wait to pray with the Africans and see God work in their lives!

9) Bucket baths, mosquito nets, and flaming bread!--Because in Africa, it just a part of life. Baths come in buckets, mosquitoes are evil, and when life gives you ants on your bread, you just run it through the flames :)

10) Being chased by children! --They come by the legions running with smiles, pointing fingers, and shouting in their heart language "white people! white people!" 
These are children that followed Kim and her team around when they were in a village during her internship to West Africa. The photo taken by her team member Josy-Anne LeBel.

We're getting closer, we only need $1,050 more monthly!