Friday, June 21, 2013

Trip to Dallas and Sight of the Future

It was Yael's first plane ride and we headed to the airport before the sun rose. We were flying halfway across the country for some training. We'd been to Dallas before, we actually lived there for a year, a year ago. But Yael had never been there before, outside my belly that is. It was rather eventful for her since she is a wiggly, rambunctious, 8 month old little girl. Sitting still is definitely not on her list of specialties, and actually, it be on the opposite end. And so both plane rides went about like this... climb on the plane, scream, squirm, let Mommy nurse me to sleep, sweet dreams, wake up, look around, wiggle, squirm, and play. Luckily, on the second plane ride there was more space for her to play in the seat with me. She also really enjoyed playing in the mirror on the bathroom wall (it was the cleanest airplane bathroom I've ever seen!).

Yael has met so many new people this week, who love her and have loved her even before she met them. It was a wonderful thing to see everyone that we've seen here in Dallas. We also met with people who will be our family on the other side of the globe. We can wait to join them there, where they have gone ahead of us.

It's exciting to see as things come closer and closer together. The nearer we get, the more solid plans become and the more we can taste it. One day in the next couple months we hope to see the sun rise in a different place than in Delaware or Dallas--we want to board a plane and move to a place where we'll step out of out mud hut, in the hot heavy heat, to watch the sun rise over the African plain. This is where we're headed, this is where we'll make our home on earth, for a while.

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