Sunday, March 24, 2013

100 DAYS to 100% -- Day 22

I can't believe we are on Day 22 already! As week look back over this campaign so far, we see God's faithfulness. We asked for his blessing, and we have received it. Our support is increasing, and so are our contacts. And even though we have wished it to come much quicker, we can't deny that it is defintely coming. It is slow but it is becming steady now.

We are hanging in here and we trusting God. He has called us to go to North Africa to bring His Word to a specific people that he has choosen. He has told us to go to these people, and it will be so exciting on the day that we meet them. We will move into their village and become their neighbors, and we'll have such a message to tell them,

 "God has told us to come to you, to live life with you, and to tell you all about Him!" 

And we will--we will tell them all about the God of the universe, who created them, and who loves them.

We are at 40.5% of our monthly support now that we need to go. We are still contacting people to meet with them and to invite them to join us in this exciting ministry.

Please pray!

Monday, March 18, 2013

100 DAYS to 100%! --Day 16

So this past week we went to Gospel Rally at MACU, our Alma Mater.

 It was great to be there! We set up a display and got to tell a lot of people about our mission's vision. We have some new promising connections--please pray for them :) We also had 3 meetings with potential partners and got to visit and catch up with some current partners :)

We are on our way; we're now at 40%! Praise God!

Yael had a great time in the nursery with MACU students LaVon and Amanda :)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 8

So this is Day 8 of our 100 days. Progress has been made.

We have increased by $100/monthly since our campaign began!

We've had some great conversations with some new people this week who are excited about the ministry we will be doing in North Africa and have agreed to meet with us :) We can't wait to share with them the details of ministry plans and how we hope to see lives changed for Jesus!

Also this morning in church was encouraging and we have to oppurtunity to share with some new friends about our ministry plans :)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

100 Days to 100% --Day 1

Today we have begun a campaign to raise the rest of our support to move to North Africa. It is entitled "100 Days to 100%".

We are very excited about this and believe that God will bless it. God has called us to this ministry, he will provide the way. We were encouraged the other day by a humble man who is a wealth of knowledge in the Lord. He reminded us that if this is God's will and he has called us to this, then he will provide. Also, that he's brought us this far, and he is faithful, so why would he stop now?...He won't.

Today we had an increase of $50/month. Praise God.

99 days to go. 38% left.

It's just a matter of time.

If you are interested in this ministry of helping reach a people group in North Africa who don't have the Bible in their language, then we invite you to join us. Just contact us and we would love to talk to you :)