Friday, February 15, 2013

Time to Resurrect the Blog :)

I started this blog a few years back, before I got married, and before I had a daughter. Now I think it's time to get it up and going again.

This time around I plan to share life as we are on a journey trying to get to Africa. Since I wrote a few years back, we have completed our degrees and missions training, and now we are in the final step. Raising partners to stand beside us in this journey, who will provide us both with finances and prayer support. We have been working on raising these partners for 8 1/2 months now. So far we have 1/3 of the support we need.

We are hoping to leave for Africa at the end of April. We can't wait to get there! We want to go live among a people who have never heard the Word of God...because it was never translated into their language. So our plan is to live with them, share with them God's love, and to translate the Bible into their language. After sharing God's love with them we want to plant churches among them, so that Christianity will become part of their lives, part of their identity. This is our PASSION.

We need people to join with us in our mission, to stand beside us. God promises to bless those who are generous with what He has given them. This is something we want people to know--that if they give, God has promised to bless them.