Monday, March 22, 2010

It's in my blood

I long to be in the will of God; it is the only place that I want to be there is peace, life, and freedom

...His Spirit draws me here, my heart yearns to be here

...but I know that here will soon be there

...and there I must go... I must

...its in my blood... God has placed a fire in my bones

And so I'm running, and I will never stop

"Jesus replied, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." Luke 9:62

I can't wait to get to people that God has prepared for me to go to...

What a privilege it will be to get to translate the Bible for them

... I can't wait to be among them

... I want to become like them, to eat like them, to live like them to speak like them

... I want them to one day be my brothers and sisters in Christ.

This is why I cannot wait...

This is why I cannot tarry...

The fields are white for harvest and God is calling me!

I will be moving to TX the beginning of June. Currently the plan is to be there and take several 3 courses and then return home after a few weeks. I'll have a few weeks home to work on partnership development before returning in mid July to begin classes at the Grad. Instit. of Applied Linguistics. I will take the certificate program the first semester to finish up my degree with MACU. The spring semester I will take translation courses. I hope to leave for the field at the end of next summer. Please pray for me that God will show me the place He's prepared for me to go. And also, that I will have a group of people who will support me both with prayers and finances, I need people behind me.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


This is yet the beginning of my blog. As of now, I do not know what will be contained within it. I do plan to use it to help in my updating of my life, etc.

Psalms 138:3